Mini Course on Whole Brain Emulation (WBE) | Notion

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In May 2024, I asked Randal Koene, PhD in Computational Neuroscience and Founder of Carboncopies, for a curriculum to learn state-of-the-art mind uploading (more formally called Whole Brain Emulation). The following “mini-course” lays out a series of topics and related papers based on his message. It provides links to each of the documents that have been downloaded and compressed for portability and the ease of loading into a foundational model, such as ChatGPT or Claude.

I hope to add my own notes here as I go through the curriculum in the coming months…


Course Description:

This mini course explores the challenges and current state-of-the-art in Whole Brain Emulation (WBE). It is designed for those interested in understanding the complexities and recent advancements in the field, with a focus on critical literature that represents significant progress and ongoing challenges.

Understanding Success Criteria for WBE

Levels of Reconstruction

Data Collection