Course on using Knowledge Graphs with LLM’s

DLAI - Knowledge Graphs for RAG

Knowledge Graphs vs. Relational Databases: Everything You Need to Know

Knowledge graph evolution: Platforms that speak your language


Neo4j, Amazon Neptune, and Azure Cosmos DB.

Getting started with Amazon Bedrock, RAG, and vector databases in Python

This repository explores sample applications and tutorials demonstrating the integration of Amazon Bedrock with databases, RAG techniques, and experiments with langchain and streamlit in Python.

Explore the repo on GitHub.

RAG with history memory agents using Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Kendra, Amazon Lambda Function, and Amazon DynamoDB

This repository demonstrates a use case for RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) by implementing an agent with memory capable of following a fluid conversation to query the re:invent 2023 agenda.

Check it out on GitHub.

Elevating Customer Support With Rag Langchain Agent Bedrock Dynamodb And Kendra

This repository provides a Whatsapp assistant app that understands multiple languages and aims to provide self-service support through natural conversation or voice messages for common travel issues.

Explore the project on GitHub.